
35°C , at least ’til Saturday…

posted at 5:16 pm on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 in Personal | Comments Off on feh

it’s hurricane season

I can tell, because we’re in another 10-day long heat wave, as Dennis pushes hot wet air out of the United States up into Southern Ontario. Or so the weather guys say. This is late August weather, not early July weather! And here I sit with a dead air-conditioner…

And then there’s Emily:

bq. Emily’s formation late Monday was the earliest date on record for five named storms to develop, according to the National Hurricane Center in Miami.


posted at 10:37 am on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 in Current Events, Personal | Comments (1)
  1. Jeff K says:

    I recall some time ago you linked to the New Orleans doomsday hurricane scenario… Well as of a few hours ago, 80% of New Orleans was under water. Check out the Associated Press photos of the downtown highways and such. Yahoo News is another reasonable source for photo coverage.

climate change

I know my priorities are messed up.

My biggest nagging worry about global climate change is that Americans are going to flee northwards. Into Canada. Bringing their ideology (and idiocy) with them.

Wouldn’t that keep *you* awake at night?

posted at 12:37 pm on Thursday, July 07, 2005 in Current Events, Odd, Random Thoughts | Comments (1)
  1. Greg says:

    Actually, I’m more worried about the polar bears coming south… ;-)

Slamming comes to Canada

(Ok, it’s been around for a long time. Sue me. :)

So after having received yet another telemarketing call about switching my local service away from Bell, I called Bell and asked if there were any checks and balances in place. You know, to prevent fraud. The kind of fraud the US has been dealing with for 25 years.

Short answer: no. They simply trust the other guy, and let them take your service away from Bell. There’s a CRTC mandate that the new company “formally obtain consent”:http://www.crtc.gc.ca/eng/INFO_SHT/t1023.htm#n6, but a) that can be in several different easy-to-forge formats, and b) apparently Bell doesn’t bother verifying consent except in disputes.

I’m not sure who the imbeciles are here (I suspect the CRTC, but it *could* be Bell Canada), but there’s one somewhere.

You’d think we’d at least attempt to learn from the mistakes of our neighbours to the south with all of these attempts at deregulation, but no. That would require that intelligence trump greed.

I’m appalled…

posted at 2:32 pm on Tuesday, July 05, 2005 in Rants, Security | Comments Off on Slamming comes to Canada

melting ice cream

I was standing in the store with melting ice cream, so decided to brave the relatively normal thunderstorm and run to the car. Of course the storm picks that moment to intensify!

In the 30 seconds it took me to run to the car and load the groceries, I was as wet as if I had just jumped into a swimming pool with all of my clothes on. Halfway through the parking lot an evil self-propelled buggy tried to take out my car, but I mananged to avoid it. Shortly after that I realized just how bad the storm was; there was an entire tree lying on the wrong side of the road (i.e. it snapped off and blew all the way across)!

On the plus side, I now have evidence of just how efficient my spiffy summer tires are at shedding water. Even at 20km/h, my tires shower the sidewalk (and pedestrians) whenever the water gets deep. Mu ha ha!

*Update:* the ice cream (with fresh strawberries) was very good :-)

*Update 2:* I’m not the only one:

* http://www.livejournal.com/users/olletho/244165.html
* http://www.livejournal.com/users/cielf/123156.html

posted at 4:59 pm on Monday, July 04, 2005 in Personal | Comments Off on melting ice cream


Spent 3 days at Pinery, then 4 days at a friend’s cottage. Very tired (cos I don’t sleep in the kind of heat we’ve had recently) but also very relaxed. We get a two day respite from the heat, then it’s back on Monday… Ugh.

Anyway, the relaxation should wear off quickly; we just put mummy on a plane for a two-week business trip!

posted at 8:36 pm on Saturday, July 02, 2005 in Personal | Comments Off on Back

Stay away from the pizza…

Apparently, “American Pizza Boxes are Teflon coated”:http://www.pmq.com/cgi-script/csNews/csNews.cgi?database=news.db&command=viewone&id=642&op=t

posted at 8:32 pm on Saturday, July 02, 2005 in Health, Links, Science and Technology | Comments Off on Stay away from the pizza…

book tracking

“Holly Lisle”:http://www.hollylisle.com/ has three new books out, and I missed them all because all of my usual book tracking sources stopped tracking new books at the same time! I happened to visit her website the other day and discovered this. Now I have to go track down all of the other authors I like and double-check that I haven’t missed anything else…

posted at 11:48 am on Sunday, June 19, 2005 in Books, Personal | Comments Off on book tracking

bad drivers

I despise people who shove in front of me, cutting me off, when I’m already too close to the guy in front *and* there’s at least 500m of open road *behind* me.

I must have a sign on my car that tells people to do this or something…

posted at 11:48 am on Sunday, June 19, 2005 in Personal, Rants | Comments Off on bad drivers


Taking 6 boys (and a girl) to Wonderland is a new form of insanity with which I was not previously acquainted.

Fortunately, it was an unbusy day, so we let them run from the exit to the entrance of several rides, allowing us to catch our collective breath :)

posted at 8:05 pm on Friday, June 17, 2005 in Personal | Comments Off on Wonderland

Global Warming: This Time It’s Personal

Global Warming: This Time It’s Personal

bq. By now, you have to be a fucking idiot not to believe in Global Warming. […] It’s like not believing in the sunrise.

Go read…

posted at 7:12 pm on Monday, June 13, 2005 in Links | Comments Off on Global Warming: This Time It’s Personal

Top Ten Data Crunching Tips and Tricks

Greg’s posted an article derived from “his pragmatic programming book”:http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/ASIN/0974514071 over at O’Reilly:

O’Reilly Network: Top Ten Data Crunching Tips and Tricks

Go read it. Go buy his book. :-)

Small World sidebar:

“Andy Hunt”:http://www.toolshed.com/blog (of “Pragmatic Programming”:http://www.pragmaticprogrammer.com/ fame) and I used to work together! We (Alias Research) bought a company where he was the sysadmin, and he and I spent many idyllic hours debugging !%#&%) email connectivity problems…

posted at 10:59 am on Friday, June 10, 2005 in Links | Comments Off on Top Ten Data Crunching Tips and Tricks


So Ipsos-Reid called me yesterday. I love giving them my opinion, because it tends to be different from the herd’s…

Speaking of herds, the big question series was about BSE. One pair of questions was:

* If other countries want to require that we test *all* cattle destined for export, should we?
* If we are testing all exported cattle, would it be acceptable to continue to spot-check domestically sold beef, or should we test all domestic cattle too?

I think that if we’re doing more testing in one arena than another, unscrupulous distributors are going to dump all suspect beef on the domestic market (instead of simply destroying it), thus *increasing* the risk to our food supply. So while I support full testing for export (because our economy requires exports), I believe it follows that we have to test all of our cattle (even though the scientific community believes that spot-checking is “safe enough”). C’est la vie, I guess.

The other thing they asked me about was waterfront property taxes in cottage country. The issue: Market Value Assessment means that when the market value of your house rises, so do your property taxes. Unfortunately, there’s been a boom in waterfront cottage prices, and so people who have had properties in their family for generations are suddenly unable to afford the taxes. It’s gotten so skewed that in many municipalities, 5% of the land is providing 50% of the tax revenue…

Now I don’t think pure, free-market MVA is a good way to set property taxes. (Of course, the old way of *not* adjusting for market value didn’t work either). So I came down firmly on the side of existing property owners in that part of the survey…

They also asked me about the relative social responsibility of Bell Canada and Telus, and about steak restaurants. Since I usually visit my local mom ‘n’ pop steak place, and haven’t been to The Keg in ages, I was able to skew those results too :-)

posted at 10:53 am on Friday, June 10, 2005 in Personal | Comments Off on surveyed!

Myth TV

May sweeps are over. I still have to watch:

* 2 hours of CSI
* 3 hours of Alias
* 2 hours of The L Word
* 5 hours of Enterprise
* 4 hours of Earthsea
* 3 hours of Dr. Who
* 9 hours of Dr. Who Confidential (i.e. I haven’t started yet :-)
* 7 hours of Numb3rs

It’s a good thing I have an 80Gb drive in that machine!

On the plus side, I’m ahead of Michelle, who is still back somewhere in January on her videotape collection…

posted at 4:50 pm on Saturday, May 28, 2005 in Personal | Comments (2)
  1. David Brake says:

    Darn – I was sure that we Brits would be able to lord it over the Canadians and Americans for a few months by having seen Dr Who well before you. What did you think of it? I am really quite enjoying it, in a pulp-y sort of way…

  2. Harald says:

    It’s showing on CBC a week after the BBC broadcast. The series started a bit slow, but Dalek and later have been *fantastic*.

    Incidentally, SciFi is carrying the new Battlestar Galactica first this time around, so we get to see it before you :-)

nature indoors

I have a kitchen; the breakfast nook is no longer buried in centuries of sedimentary buildup.

We’re currently excavating Charlotte’s bedroom. There’s actually a hardwood floor underneath the humus layer (decaying clothes and toys)…

On the other hand, the front hall is now a transition zone, and migratory herds of boxes and winter boots are trying to pass each other without excessive predation…

posted at 4:45 pm on Saturday, May 28, 2005 in Personal | Comments Off on nature indoors

famous kiters!

We’re famous! Check out the results of a video session we helped with last year at the Four Winds Kite Festival:

Steadywinds.com → Blog Archive → TVO – Planet Parent kite segment

posted at 11:00 am on Sunday, May 22, 2005 in General | Comments Off on famous kiters!


Ok, I think 15 days may be a new record for me…

I’ve posted pictures from the Trebuchet Party at “photos.rogers.com”:http://ca.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/chk@rogers.com/album?.dir=/cc74&.src=ph&.tok=phv5KADBm2pfHlCN and I plan a more formal writeup with locally hosted pictures sometime soon.

In other news, the episode of Planet Parent that was filmed at last years Four Winds Kite Festival (and Gareth’s birthday party) was broadcast on Wednesday. I recorded it, so we finally got to see Gareth talking about bathrooms on TV :-).

posted at 9:05 am on Thursday, May 19, 2005 in Personal | Comments Off on Update

license plate

The car turning left in front of me this morning had the license plate:


Good thing I was stopped…

posted at 9:12 am on Tuesday, May 03, 2005 in Health, Personal | Comments (1)
  1. Jeff K says:

    Incidentally, today (June 18, 2005) that PLAN AHE plate appears on a Smart Car on page G1 (Wheels) of the Toronto Star.

weekend update

starring Tina Fey and … no wait, that’s not it!

Went up north on Saturday to visit a couple of proposed “Trebuchet party”:http://wiki.the-gang.ca/TrebuchetPage sites. We found a “good looking spot”:http://www.cfrq.net/gallery/trebsite and the kids had fun tromping around in the wilderness; they ignored the slight drizzle and even managed to finagle a couple of horseback rides from the neighbours!

Sunday we mostly finished the trebuchet. We “finished the arm”:http://www.cfrq.net/gallery/Trebuchet-a-la-CHABB/The_Arm, but still have to work on the axle support, sling, sling release, and trigger; and we only finished one of the two braces for the uprights. Still, we should be finished in time for the party in two weeks.

posted at 1:34 pm on Monday, May 02, 2005 in Personal | Comments Off on weekend update

car finalé

I have a car again!

My mechanic couldn’t find a rim quickly, so he put the bent wheel at the back of the car, where the vibration is less noticable. I picked up the car last night (I took the GO train to Langstaff, then took a GO bus north; I miss the GO train!). The brake lines weren’t quite as bad as we had feared; he only had to replace them from the middle of the car back. As for the radiator, apparently it’s common. The antifreeze that Daewoo used was unusually acidic. It eats away at everything; he’s had cylinder blocks in the shop that look like swiss cheese… It’s a good thing I did the cooling system flush when the lube guy recommended it, or my car would be in worse shape than it is!

Anyway, total damage <$1000 taxes included! (sigh of relief).

posted at 8:28 pm on Thursday, April 28, 2005 in Personal | Comments Off on car finalé
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