IBM Identity Management

I’m surprised this announcement took so long:

*IBM to Bail Out HP Security Software Customers*

read it at “yahoo”: or “marketwire”:

posted at 12:46 pm on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 in Personal, Programming, Security | Comments (1)
  1. RG says:

    I got this as an internal email flash this morning and just chuckled. I agree this seemed to have dropped out of a time warp or something…

weakest link

The Weakest Link

The Weakest Link

I thought I had posted this photo a long time ago, but I can’t find it now, so here it is again. (It came up on Fairly Oddparents this morning).

I first saw this on “Bruce Scheier’s security weblog”:

(As it turns out, I had uploaded it to Gallery, but still never linked it here. Must have been distracted. Damned kids, get off my lawn! :-)

posted at 9:11 am on Thursday, August 07, 2008 in Humour, Links, Security | Comments Off on weakest link

Debian / Ubuntu and OpenSSL

(See “Debian Security Advisory 1571”: and “SSLkeys”:

This seems appropriate somehow:


posted at 8:38 am on Wednesday, May 14, 2008 in Programming, Security | Comments Off on Debian / Ubuntu and OpenSSL


Today I finally learned how to solve the NFS UID problem on Ubuntu.

You see, NFS normally does it’s permissions by numeric UID. If the UIDs on two different machines don’t match, then NFS permission checking doesn’t work; you don’t get access to your own files, and you might get access to somebody else’s files instead!

Ubuntu, of course, has no standard UIDs, not even for system services. So my four ubuntu boxes here each have different username <> UID maps.

Enter the ugidd package, which is an RPC daemon that runs on the client. The NFS server calls this daemon when a mount request comes in, and dynamically builds a UID map between the server and the client, based on the string usernames. As a side effect, it also seems to map userids that are not assigned on the client to ‘nobody’. In this way, the nfs server can map UIDs between systems, without the administrator (that’s me!) maintaining static map files.

The one downside is that this feature requires the user-space NFS server instead of the kernel nfs server, so performance suffers a bit. I have CPU to spare, though!

Now I can use NFS between my MythTV boxes :-)

posted at 12:56 pm on Wednesday, March 12, 2008 in Personal, Security | Comments Off on rpc.ugidd

real-world passwords

An analysis of a large collection of passwords gathered in a Myspace phishing attack reveals that passwords are getting better, although:

bq. We used to quip that “password” is the most common password. Now it’s “password1.” Who said users haven’t learned anything about security?

Schneier on Security: Real-World Passwords

posted at 1:20 pm on Wednesday, December 20, 2006 in Links, Security | Comments (1)
  1. Nita says:

    I have this theory that I should let LB put a bunch of his magnets on the fridge, take a photo of hi standing in front of it, then use it as my password generator and desktop background.

the new sneakernet

Schneier on Security: Tracking People by their Sneakers

Researchers at the University of Washington have demonstrated a surveillance system that automatically tracks people through the Nike iPod Sport Kit.

posted at 9:26 am on Wednesday, December 13, 2006 in Links, Security | Comments Off on the new sneakernet

modern info warfare

feint and attack; move and countermove. The escalation is constant.

Steel armor meant the end of bows and crossbows. Firearms that could punch through armour made it useless as a defense, since armor only made the soldier slow and uncoordinated; a sitting duck. A close formation of infantry firing volleys by the numbers was unstoppable, until the devasation of the machine gun spelled their demise. Kevlar armor influenced the development of armor-piercing rounds (which, incidentally, are *less* deadly because they tend to go through their targets).

Technology is no different:

* Many modern computer viruses and trojans are capable of automatically disabling anti-virus software.

* Carjackings are on the rise, not because criminals necessarily like violent crime, but because with modern auto security systems it’s the only way to steal the car.

* In Denmark, criminals are breaking into stores and ransacking them; not because they like trashing stores, but because they can install ATM card-skimming hardware while everyone is distracted.

* In the Netherlands, they’re less subtle; they simply blow up the ATM and scoop the cash as it flutters down. (Kind of reminds me of the back-hoe technique of driving up and scooping the ATM out of the wall :).

Plus ca change, plus le meme chose.

posted at 9:46 pm on Friday, March 10, 2006 in Current Events, Security | Comments Off on modern info warfare


I went to log on to my Group RRSP provider’s website today Thanks to a misguided policy that HR introduced this year, my January RRSP contributions ended up in a non-registered plan, and I wanted to fix it. It turned out that I can fix this particular problem on the web, but that’s beside the point.

When I logged in, I was informed that my password had expired, and must be changed. It’s been 18 months since I logged in (yes, I check my quarterly statements, but I’m happy with the results; no changes required). I dutifully filled in the boxes, only to be faced with password strength requirements. Now, the whole point of these things is to prevent high-speed, dictionary-based password guessing attacks. You can’t launch a high-speed guessing attack against this website because it’s really slow, and after a certain number of failures, your account is locked out. And we have the research to prove that these kinds of passwords are less secure, because people cannot remember them and are forced to write them down. But a bunch of security consultants are getting paid to write password policies, and they’re an insurance company so care greatly about liability, so there you go.

Anyway, for as yet unknown reasons, I managed to fumble the password change, so I couldn’t get back into my account. So then I trundled off to the password reset page. And it occured to me:

* My password expires regularly. The problem is, I don’t login regularly (who moves RRSP funds around that often, anyway?).
* Password strength rules are enforced (mixed-case, numbers or symbols, minimum length, etc.)

And yet, the password reset page does none of this, and doesn’t have any other security checks! At least they used to make me phone Ireland to change my password. Now, I type in the answer to my challenge question, my date of birth, and instantly a new password is printed on the screen. The answer to my challenge question doesn’t have to be mixed case or have numbers, and never changes! They don’t even take the minor step of using e-mail to send my either my new password or a temporary, expires soon password reset URL. Granted, this is a minor security enhancement, but it does keep the amateurs out.

Does anyone else see a false sense of security here?

The irony is that I spent the rest of today fighting with our own password reset implementation :-).

Bill Gates has promised that the password will be obsolete in 2007; I’m beginning to hope he’s right…

posted at 9:20 pm on Thursday, February 16, 2006 in Personal, Security | Comments (3)
  1. Jeff K says:

    Yeah, the false sense of security is that you don’t need to watch your RRSP. I trade in it almost every day. I locked in $10k of gains on Valentines in fact. I also unloaded Petro Canada for a 2x gain. I think I’ll be busy for at least 2 weeks moving stuff around for this year’s contributions.

    Most Canadians don’t realize the foreign contribution limit is gone and even more don’t care, even though their resource mutuals / stocks are sky-high and the dollar is sky high and it’s time to get out there and pillage the foreign markets. Aye matey! I made a few hundred in just a couple of a days on a couple of Taiwanese ADRs this week (still holding), and I’m getting excited about raping the Japanese market in a little while, down 6% or so after a rapid rise from the depths in the last 2 months. The Japanese finiancial sector is not good, and for example, Toyota is already sky high, but there’s got to be some curvascious stock just waiting for me.

    Disclaimers: It’s probably better to earn capital gains outside an RRSP, I’m no adviser, I just think trading is better than sex, and since its all in an RRSP, I can’t even pay for, um… things I might want, with the money.

  2. Jeff K says:

    Er, that was “curvaceous”.

  3. Jeff K says:

    If you do trade foreign ADRs or stocks on the NYSE inside an RRSP, since the rules don’t allow you to have a US$ SDRRSP, you can direct the proceeds of a sale straight into a US$ money market fund and bypass the forex spread.

    The best is to trade in-trust-for a child in a US-denominated account, then the tax is lower, but I imagine most folks’ liquid capital is in RRSPs. RESP rules are even worse — I hate ’em.

    I laugh everytime I see that Scotia Bank ad during the Olympics where some dumbass can’t figure out more than one mutual fund. ..then I cry when I hear how many people lost money 2001->2003 in mutual funds, bailed, and lost out on the 2003->2006 escalator-ride when they went back up. Scary stuff.

    Disclaimer: I know nothing and give no advice. What was one Toronto paper’s marketing slogan… hm, “They don’t read us for the financial pages.”

smtp block

It figures. After doing a bunch of work to move my backup mailserver to a “virtual server”:, it worked fine for about 10 days, and then suddenly I was seeing no incoming email in the logs. This is a sign of a problem; even when the primary server is working, spammers are always connecting to the backup (in the hopes of getting past filters).

Much testing has determined that rogers is now blocking inbound SMTP on my portion of the network (something they’ve apparently been rolling out for over a year now). The best laid plans of mice and men, and all that…

posted at 11:32 am on Wednesday, February 15, 2006 in Personal, Security | Comments (4)
  1. Reid says:

    Is there a way to specify the port in an MX record? That would be sweet.

  2. Harald Koch says:

    Not yet, but if enough ISPs start blocking, I’m sure it’ll appear…

  3. Mark says:

    Shop around for ISPs. I left bell when they cut off inbound SMTP. Now I’m with But, i1f you don’t want to switch ISPs then there are forwarding services like’s mailhop.

  4. Harald Koch says:

    My friend Reid is with; one of their selling features is “no bandwidth cap”, but I don’t usually get close to the 60Gb/month that rogers allows, so I’m not sure if that’s an actual feature for me or not. On the other hand, 3.0Mb + a static IP for $45/month isn’t too bad. wants $30/yr/domain for the service I want, which is almost the difference in price… hmm.

    It looks like Magma has the old istop bandwidth policy; limited during the day, unlimited between midnight and 7AM. Their prices are good, except for the static IP option. Unfortunately, the packages list doesn’t specify a monthly cap, and the FAQ only says “see the package list”. The only misread I can see is that the main packages don’t have a bandwidth cap?

Slamming comes to Canada

(Ok, it’s been around for a long time. Sue me. :)

So after having received yet another telemarketing call about switching my local service away from Bell, I called Bell and asked if there were any checks and balances in place. You know, to prevent fraud. The kind of fraud the US has been dealing with for 25 years.

Short answer: no. They simply trust the other guy, and let them take your service away from Bell. There’s a CRTC mandate that the new company “formally obtain consent”:, but a) that can be in several different easy-to-forge formats, and b) apparently Bell doesn’t bother verifying consent except in disputes.

I’m not sure who the imbeciles are here (I suspect the CRTC, but it *could* be Bell Canada), but there’s one somewhere.

You’d think we’d at least attempt to learn from the mistakes of our neighbours to the south with all of these attempts at deregulation, but no. That would require that intelligence trump greed.

I’m appalled…

posted at 2:32 pm on Tuesday, July 05, 2005 in Rants, Security | Comments Off on Slamming comes to Canada

too much crap

Today I’m feeling like throwing in the towel on this web server business: there’s just too much crap to deal with.

A friend’s server was broken into and defaced last week by a script kiddy. I’ve been double-checking my box over the last few days, and I’m astonished at the amount of crap flowing in from the Internet. As a security professional I knew it was bad, but I was fooling myself; I didn’t know it was _this_ bad!!!

I monitor the site regularly, mainly to ensure that we’re not abusing bandwidth that is generously donated, but also to make sure everything is working, and to watch for obviously suspicious activity. In the last week a major portion of the traffic to this server has been:

* referrer spam (which doesn’t do anything for the spammer, since I don’t display referrers anywhere; it only abuses my bandwidth). About 15% of my bandwidth for the last _month_ has been referrer spam; they seem to breed faster than I can block them out!
* people trying comment spam on weblogs with no comments (and no comment script!). This includes attempts to invoke old security holes in Movable Type.
* people probing for security defects in software that I don’t even have installed.
* people probing for security defects in software that I _do_ have installed (fortunately that was password protected, so they didn’t get in :).
* probes for network sockets (both for software with vulnerabilities, and for software installed by hackers). This box is heavily firewalled (in both directions; blocking outbound traffic has saved my bacon more than once!), but I still see the logs.
* password guessing attempts (mainly via SSH, which has been locked down to a small number of IP addresses for months now, since the last major SSH vulnerability).

The promise of Open Source software was that more eyes staring at code would lead to fewer defects. I’m seeing the opposite; it seems that the rate of vulnerability annoucements, and resulting patches, is _increasing_. Just last week I just upgraded three packages here as a direct result of security announcements (and, as mentioned above, caught someone probing for one of them…)

The Internet has become the cesspool predicted in several recent science fiction novels (notably Peter Watt’s Behemoth, which specifically mentions automated virus / hacking activity). After three days of looking two closely at my logs I feel like pulling the plug. If it were just me using the server, I probably would…

posted at 10:57 am on Wednesday, February 02, 2005 in Personal, Rants, Security, Site News | Comments (1)
  1. Jeff K says:

    The Internet has always been a pigsty… and the pigs love it!

MT Plus Comment Spam Equals Dead Site

I’ve experience the problems described here: The Daily Whim: MT Plus Comment Spam Equals Dead Site

Several times we’ve woken up to a dead server, and (ignoring one disk crash) it’s always been runaway Movable Type comment scripts causing the system to thrash, until some important process gets killed because of the resulting out-of-memory condition. It invariably happens on a Saturday, which means we all get to wait until Monday morning for the server to get manually rebooted.

I’ve installed countermeasures in the past:
* I’ve renamed the comments script
* I close comments automatically after two weeks
* “Comment SPAM interlocking”:

And still, I see a constant, steady stream of comment spam that gets posted, even to postings that are closed to comments!

So far my WordPress blog is getting fewer hits, but it’s only a matter of time until the spammers find that one…


posted at 5:54 pm on Tuesday, December 14, 2004 in Links, Miscellaneous, Security | Comments (1)
  1. ReidNews says:

    Comments have been disabled
    Due to a huge influx of comment spam, I have disabled comments on tnir. This affects all blogs hosted on tnir, including Luisa’s and David’s. If you try to post a ccomment, it will let you type it in, but when you click “post” it will give you some…

Nigerian Fraud Countries

Amateur radio operators keep track of all of the countries they’ve had contact with.

I’m going to start keeping a list of all the countries I’ve received Nigerian fraud (aka 419 spam) messages from.

* Nigeria
* Liberia
* Senegal
* Mauritius
* UK (London)
* Hong Kong (China) (20041110)
* Sierra Leone (20041110)
* Cote d’Ivoire (20041119)
* South Africa (20041120)
* Burkina Faso (20041124)
* Togo (20041124)
* Benin Republic (20041124)
* Korea (20041125)
* Brazil (20041231) (wow, that was a long gap!)
* South Africa (20050113)
* Russia (!!!) (20050114)
* Dubai (20050117)
* Senegal (20070717) (after another long gap…)
* Iran (!!!) (20080212)

I’m slowly collecting most of that part of Africa…

Update: it appears that these fraudsters are the only ones left trolling web pages for email addresses. My active campaign against bandwidth abusing spiders appears to be cutting down on the spam at the same time…

posted at 12:52 pm on Sunday, November 07, 2004 in Personal, Security | Comments Off on Nigerian Fraud Countries

Defense in Depth

I’ve visited lots of old fortresses in Canada, and a few in Europe, and I remember learning about defense in depth. This is the idea that your assets should be surrounded by multiple separate layers of defenses to make it harder for the barbarian hordes (or Americans :-) to break in. Ideally the defenses should be _different_, so that if a simple technique of defeating one is discovered, it doesn’t help against the others.

The forts I’ve visited are typically on a hill (so that you can see the enemy coming and prepare. But they’re also sunk into the hill, with sloping outer walls, to defend the inner walls against artillery. They’re surrounded by open fields (no trees or brush). The outer wall has gun emplacements, to mow down anyone trying to cross those fields. There is a deep trench between the inner and outer walls, deep enough that attackers must climb down, slowing them down. The inner walls are full of small, narrow windows to allow the defenders to shoot at anyone trying to cross the trench. The inner walls usually have towers that project into the trench, so that people trying to climb the inner walls aren’t hidden from defenders inside the walls; those attackers can be attacked from the towers. The important buildings inside the inner walls have their own defenses. And so on.

Of course, a few carefully placed shells from a battleship and the fort is history; but that’s progress for you.

Anyway, to make a long story short, here’s Robert Scoble’s “defense in depth strategy for Windows XP”: – enjoy!

posted at 7:11 pm on Tuesday, August 24, 2004 in Security | Comments Off on Defense in Depth

Re: oops

So after looking at “the mail I accidentally misfiled”: there were, in fact, about 150 spam (almost 50%). has completely revamped their spam filtering service since I last looked; I can now monitor rejections, forward messages to myself, and add whitelist entries, all through a fairly simple interface. I’ve switched it on; so far one spam has gotten through, with no false positives…

posted at 9:11 am on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 in Personal, Security | Comments (3)
  1. Reid says:

    Have you looked into Sender Policy Framework yet? I was thinking of doing that. Not sure if will let me edit the appropriate bits of my DNS record though..

  2. Harald says:

    # dig txt 3600 IN TXT "v=spf1 a mx ip4: -all"

  3. Reid says:

    I checked, and I can’t see any way to set the TXT field of my DNS record via’s web interface. Well, maybe it’s time to move away from hmm.


Very strange.

I just came back from a weekend of camping to find one new message in my inbox, and zero messages in my spam and spamMaybe boxes.

I’ve checked all the logs, and everything _seems_ to be working properly…

posted at 11:01 pm on Sunday, August 15, 2004 in Personal, Security | Comments Off on SPAM

Active Directory

It is very easy to setup a self-contained network, with a Domain Controller, using Active Directory. Too easy, in fact; I’m on my third attempt :-).

I’m using cloned hard disk images under Microsoft Virtual PC, which caused my latest problem; Active Directory let me register a computer in the domain with the same name as the domain controller. Needless to say, _nothing_ worked after that. The reason this happened was because I tried to rename the image _and_ join the domain at the same time; Windows 2000 apparently joins the domain _first_, then attempts to rename the computer. This surprised me :-)

Fortunately, I had a master disk image, so it was trivial to restart from a fresh install and rebuild the domain controller (which, thanks to Microsoft’s wizards, is easy). But then I had to rebuild the two child domain controllers, since they refused to “demote” themselves when the domain master was unavailable.

Sadly, all of this is _time consuming_, even when the host is a P4 2.8 with 1Gb of memory and oodles of disk bandwidth…

posted at 9:32 pm on Thursday, August 12, 2004 in Personal, Science and Technology, Security | Comments (1)
  1. Reid says:

    It took me a moment to figure out what you meant by PIV. I thgouht it was some sort of PVC pipe variant for plumbing or something!

    I think P4 is easier to grok.. :)

passwords and PKI

“Densise Anthony”: doesn’t mention her security research on her “home page”:, but the “slides from her presentation”: are available on the “Dartmouth PKI Unlocked Summit and Workshop”: page, which I found after a bit of Googling led me to the “Dartmouth PKI Lab Outreach Web Home”: page. There’s a bunch of good stuff buried in there, especially deployment tips, and the “Dartmouth OpenCA – LiveCD”: looks especially interesting; I’m going to try it out in my testing lab soon.

posted at 9:44 am on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 in Security | Comments (4)
  1. Greg Wilson says:

    Your “testing lab”? Does that come complete with lightning rods, bubbling beakers, and an igor?

  2. Harald says:


    Sadly, no. About the only exciting thing about my testing lab is that one of the computers isn’t under the desk, which caught the attention of the Health and Safety droids…

  3. Reid says:

    caught the attention of the Health and Safety droids…“??

    Okay, I sense an untold story here…

  4. Harald says:

    It’s simple, actually. One of my 9 desktops masquerading as servers is _not_ under a desk; it is instead sitting on the floor in front of all of the other computers under the desk. Despite the fact that this is not in a corridor or anything else vaguely resembling anything other than a _desk_, this is apparently a Class B Safety Hazard (insert ominous music here :-)

passwords in the news

I can’t find it now, but I remember reading recently about another “cross-discipline” team that discovered all sorts of interesting things, because each member of the team had a different way of looking at the data. Now a PKI research group has attached a sociologist to the team, and that is “starting to produce insight”:

bq. A recent survey found that 75 percent of Dartmouth students have shared their network passwords. “They like having people who know their password,” explained “Denise Anthony”:, a sociologist who spoke at the PKI summit conference I attended earlier this month. “They like having someone who can check their e-mail for them or log them in to places where they’re supposed to be.”

bq. Professor Anthony’s talk was dramatically different and showed why it was a really smart move to attach a sociologist to Dartmouth’s PKI research group. As security technologists, we’re easily dazzled by our shiny cryptographic swords. But while we’re brandishing our swords, our users — like Indiana Jones in that famous scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark — might simply pull out their guns and shoot us. Better security protocols alone can’t thwart such game-changing behavior. We need to understand what motivates the behavior and figure out which carrots and sticks will influence it.

bq. It’s a given that most people take the path of least resistance. So, for example, two-thirds of Dartmouth students never change their passwords during their four years of enrollment. And most reuse their internal passwords for external sites such as The New York Times and How do they perceive the risk associated with such behavior? According to Anthony, it’s a tragedy of the commons. The network is a collective resource, but people connected to the network feel that they’re consuming a private good. Their subjective view, she says, is this: “I’m in my office. I’m using my computer. It doesn’t feel like I’m part of a group. I don’t recognize how my behavior affects you.”

InfoWorld: Tragedy of the network commons

posted at 9:44 am on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 in Science and Technology, Security | Comments Off on passwords in the news

spam source

Ok, so it turns out that all (well, 125 of 126 :-) of the spam I’m getting these days is coming through my address. The greylisting is working fine, in other words :-)

It’s been great having a portable email address, but now that I pay real money for my own domains, maybe it is time to switch over. I can do more accurate spam filtering on my personal server than they can on their shared servers Unfortunately, the massive spam volumes floating around these days are forcing us to these drastic measures. I’m beginning to believe the pessimists; e-mail is dying…

posted at 10:57 pm on Sunday, August 08, 2004 in General, Security, Site News | Comments (1)
  1. Re: oops
    So after looking at “the mail I accidentally misfiled”: there were, in fact, about 150 spam (almost 50%). has completely revamped their spam filtering service since I last looked; I can n…

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