koko sued?

So while I was in the shower today, I heard a report that three women are suing Koko the gorilla for “pressuring them to see their nipples”. My first thought was: what has the world come to when people are suing a _gorilla_?

Of course, sanity prevailed, and I checked Google. Turns out that the women are suing the Gorilla Foundation because the women were informed that failing to expose their nipples would cause their employment to “suffer”. When the women reported health and safety violations rodents in the food preparation areas, for example) they were dismissed.

The truth is entirely more reasonable than the radio report. Of course, the radio report was more sensational…

See “Google News”:http://news.google.com/news?q=koko+%22lawsuit%22 for more stories…

posted at 6:07 pm on Tuesday, March 01, 2005 in Current Events | Comments Off on koko sued?

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