
Several webloggers who use “cornerhost”: found themselves “suddenly relocated”: over the weekend (“for the record”:, it wasn’t really cornerhost’s fault).

cornerhost’s policy is that users are responsible for their own backups. Naturally, some people found out that this was true :-)

As part of the ensuing chaos, someone pointed out Mike Rubel’s article “Easy Automated Snapshot-Style Backups with Linux and Rsync”:

I’ve been a sysadmin for over 15 years. I’m a *big* fan of backups. (I’m _very_ unhappy that my tape drive is broken right now. :-) I’ve been doing nightly full backups of my servers using rsync for a long time, but the technique Mike uses for incrementals never occured to me (blush). A minor change to a couple of scripts was all it took for me to have a week’s worth of snapshots on the backup hosts. Fabulous!

Thanks, “Mike”:!

posted at 9:32 am on Wednesday, April 30, 2003 in Site News | Comments Off on Backups

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