Oh look, a weblog!

So last Wednesday I fell down stupidly and either subluxated or dislocated my right shoulder. I spend just over a week with my right arm in an immobilizer, after which the doc said “take it off”. I’m allowed to do a lot of things, but no “arm above the shoulder” movement and no “external rotation”. The shoulder is a little sore, especially when I first wake up in the morning, but otherwise I can do stuff again!

I’ve been tinkering under the hood recently (that is why I set up this server, after all!). I’m in the process of moving a bunch of the older sites around here to use WordPress MU as the underlying CMS. It’s going well so far, so I should be able to formally move the sites in a couple more weeks. We’ve also finally upgraded Gallery to Gallery2, and there’s an Ubuntu 7.10 → 8.04 upgrade to look forward to!

I need to take more photographs. Maybe it’s time to challenge a few of my friends to 365 (a photo per day for a year)…

posted at 9:46 am on Monday, May 05, 2008 in Personal | Comments (2)


  1. Anita says:

    Yarg – that doesn’t sound fun (shoulder stuff).

    Good luck with computers (yah…whee…am so looking forward to mine).

    Photos – double dog dare you…

  2. wjr says:

    Let me know what you think of Gallery2 (and the upgrade process) – I’ve been wanting to do that for ages and just haven’t got up the energy yet.

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