never has arrived

Last Monday night Charlotte said “I’m never going to learn to steer my bike!”. By the end of the week we were riding all the way around the block without stopping. So it’s official; “Never” has arrived. It’s time to do all of those things you were never going to get to :-).

posted at 8:40 am on Monday, July 10, 2006 in Personal | Comments (1)

1 Comment

  1. Reid says:

    Hm, your Picasa pics links don’t work. But the links on the pics do work, so I got to see your shots. I didn’t realize Google was going after Flickr! Wow. And Charlotte looks gorgeous in those first communion shots.

    Are all your pics visible to the public? Or am I on a friends list of yours?

    I’m going to have to check out Picasa more carefully now. I signed up for an account (which I got instantaneously, despite the “we are handing them out slowly”-style warning) and I seem to have 250 MB of space.

    You should do a posting about the tools/websites you use. I keep finding out about cool stuff only from your use of it!

    Better still, create an account on Tech Tok and post there. I will upgrade your privs a.s.a.p. if you create one.

    Hm, maybe this should have been in email. Oh well!


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