Flood Damage

The school is on the west bank of the (east) Don River Valley, next to a park. The park, used for soccer and other physed activities, is several hundred square metres smaller than it used to be, thanks to the August 19th floods. The river decided to carve out a new bend for itself! Based on the debris and marks, there was about 4′ of water on the field (and the school’s lower playground); much of the grass is buried in very high quality beach sand, and the playground is full of a conrete-like mixture of wood chips and river mud…

The bridge to the east side of the river is still intact, but was obviously underwater (and may not be safe, so it’s closed for now). Two trees survived, but a third one was uprooted and washed about 40m downstream.

I’d post pictures, but the camera is in the shop :-(.

posted at 7:42 pm on Tuesday, September 06, 2005 in Personal | Comments Off on Flood Damage

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