Hostile Movie Theaters

Nelson’s Weblog: guestblog / marc / movie-theaters

bq. It would certainly be cheaper to buy the movie on DVD and own it forever, than to watch it once for nearly twice the price; the popcorn would be better, cheaper, and faster, and could be topped with real butter instead of “topping”; the water would be tastier, colder, and available for $1.49 per 100 cubic feet; and the talking would be sanctioned or actionable. Plus, no ads. It’s no wonder home theater is booming.


There’s a chain up here (Rainbow Cinemas) that is cheaper, but it still makes our family-of-four trip to see Shrek 2, for example, well over $40 by the time you add popcorn and drinks…

posted at 4:32 pm on Sunday, June 13, 2004 in Links, Rants | Comments (1)

1 Comment

  1. Jeff K says:

    A good home theatre is not just $24/movie for the disc, you need to spend about $5,000 to $10,000 on equipment too (I recommend it, and go for the high end).

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