Time Lapse

A pair of time-lapse photography movies from “[daily dose of imagery]:http://wvs.topleftpixel.com/; one looking west and the other looking southwest from (near) Bay and Gerrard in downtown Toronto. (They’re probably from the condo towers in College Park, but I can’t tell for sure.)

* “toronto western sky timelapsed”:http://wvs.topleftpixel.com/archives/photos_cityscape/030930_227.shtml
* “CN Tower timelapsed”:http://wvs.topleftpixel.com/archives/photos_cityscape/030924_216.shtml

Cool. Now I want to go make one of the view from my office building, either looking south down York street towards the lake and the island, or looking down into the TD Centre courtyard. I’ll need a webcam or an external power supply for my camera, though…

[ via “GTA bloggers”:http://www.gtabloggers.com/archives/000559.html ]

posted at 11:03 am on Sunday, October 26, 2003 in Links | Comments Off on Time Lapse

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