Low brow TV

I took my car into the shop this morning for routine maintenance. While I’m waiting for the courtesy shuttle (that’ll take me to take me to the subway), I was forced (yes, strapped to a chair and forced!) to watch a day-time “shock” talk show.

Today’s story was about five 14-year old girls who are having lots of (unprotected) sex because they want to have babies. Some of these girls were having sex up to 12 times a day, with multiple partners.

I’m not going to comment on the serious issues here; there are many of them, and they should be obvious. But three things occurred to me while I was sitting in the waiting room:

# You _reduce_ your odds of getting pregnant by having sex with the same partner more often than once every two days; it takes him that long to generate new sperm.
# You _reduce_ your odds of getting pregnant by having sex with multiple partners; male sperm will compete with each other, blocking each other or killing each other off.
# You _reduce_ your odds of getting pregnant by contracting STDs; many of those STDs (especially if left untreated) cause infertility. For cetain, if you’re having sex that often with multiple partners, you’re going to catch one.

In short, these poor kids can’t even get “getting pregnant” right… *sigh.

posted at 6:40 pm on Thursday, October 16, 2003 in Random Thoughts | Comments Off on Low brow TV

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