To Do This Weekend

While taking a break during the execution of this program, I decided (on a whim) to write it down.


* 8AM hockey with C.
* 10AM hockey with G.
* kids laundry
* _adult_ laundry
* find the floors in the house
* _clean_ the floors in the house
* ditto for the bathrooms
* add 30Gb drive to yvonne, copy data, remove 15Gb drive
* organize photos and MP3s that are currently spread across three computers
* nap
* 4:30PM: watch old-timers hockey game
* blog


* brunch with dad & lil sis
* Lion King matinée
* dinner at Black Forest Room

So far I’ve done the hockey, I’m halfway through laundry and finding floors, and there’s about 90 minutes left until the hockey game :-)

posted at 2:52 pm on Saturday, November 22, 2003 in Personal | Comments Off on To Do This Weekend

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