Subsonics cause anxiety

“Soundless Music Shown to Produce Weird Sensations”:

bq. British scientists have shown in a controlled experiment that the extreme bass sound known as infrasound produces a range of bizarre effects in people including anxiety, extreme sorrow and chills — supporting popular suggestions of a link between infrasound and strange sensations.

bq. “Some scientists have suggested that this level of sound may be present at some allegedly haunted sites and so cause people to have odd sensations that they attribute to a ghost — our findings support these ideas,” said Professor Richard Wiseman.

Cool research. I must admit that I’m slightly surprised, only because I knew a long time ago that subsonic sounds caused anxiety in people. We even experimented with them in our university residence… <grin>

posted at 7:05 pm on Monday, September 08, 2003 in Science and Technology | Comments Off on Subsonics cause anxiety

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