Skiing vs. Hockey

Someone recently recommended that we pull the kids out of hockey, purchase a membership at a ski club, and go skiing during the winter instead. The advantage being that skiing is something that we can all do together, as a family.

I like the idea; I like skiing, and Gareth’s pretty good for an 8-year old. Charlotte has a lot of trouble with skates (she has wonky ankles), so I don’t see hockey in her future. But Gareth really likes hockey, and it’s got all that teamwork stuff going for it :-), so I’m kinda undecided on the whole issue…

posted at 9:07 pm on Monday, March 01, 2004 in Personal | Comments (1)

1 Comment

  1. Jose says:

    I certainly like skiing more than hockey.
    However… Skiing requires some traveling to the mountain, and hockey can be right in town.

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