Good Weather and Maple Syrup

Wow, what a weekend. It was +8°C on Saturday, and almost +12°C on Sunday, with lots of sunshine. Everything has finally started melting with the heat, so on Saturday I removed the 3″ layer of ice from the sidewalk, and broke up a bunch of other snowbanks and ice jams. Our driveway is now completely clear (instead of having just enough space cleared for the cars). The ice dam on the north roof has mostly melted away, a good thing since it looked heavy enough to tear the eavestrough off the side of the house.

I went for a nice drive on Saturday to move to its final location; it was so warm in the car I had to take my coat off and open the window a bit, which of course reminded me that the driver’s side window mechanism is broken (it lost a battle with ice a couple of months ago). It sure cooled off fast once the sun went down…

Sunday was our planned expedition to the “Bruce’s Mill Sugarbush Maple Syrup Festival”: with several families from the kids’ school. The kids mostly ran around and played in the snow, and rode the horse-drawn wagons, and generally ignored the details of maple syrup production, but that’s ok; they’ve all got cabin fever after this long cold winter. It was wonderful to be _out_ without losing the feeling in one’s fingers!

Of course, I ate too many pancakes…

posted at 1:41 pm on Monday, March 17, 2003 in Personal | Comments Off on Good Weather and Maple Syrup

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